Hours of Operation
The City of Decorah Yard Waste Site
Keys are available for residents who wish to access the City's Yard Waste Site outside of open hours. Keys must be checked out from City Hall. City Hall is open Monday-Friday, 7:30am to 4:00pm.
As a reminder, no garbage in any capacity is allowed to be deposited at the Yard Waste Site and only yard waste that originates from within City of Decorah city limits may be deposited. However, residents and non-residents are welcome to take wood chips, compost, and/or firewood from the site.
City residents and non-residents may pick up material.
Loading of material will be made available by Street Department end loader.
The Yard Waste Site Located on Trout Run Road 1/4 mile south of Hwy 9 will accept waste only from properties within the City limits which are hauled to the site by residents of the City of Decorah.
The Site has three distinct areas for yard waste. They are :
- Grass clippings, leaves, and garden waste;
- Sticks, twigs, and branches;
- Firewood
- All residents are responsible for separating and depositing their yard waste into the appropriate areas.
- Logs (over 8” in diameter):
- All logs over eight inches in diameter must be cut into lengths that do not exceed twelve feet and deposited in the designated area for firewood.
- Tree Branches and Brush (under 8” in diameter):
- All tree branches and brush under eight inches in diameter deposited by homeowners must be cut into lengths that do not exceed twelve feet and deposited in the designated area for tree branches and brush.
- All tree branches and brush under eight inches in diameter, resulting from contractor operations, must be chipped and deposited in the designated area for woodchips.
- During the hours of operation, wood chips, composted material, and firewood will be available at no charge to anyone regardless of where they reside.
- Any other waste, trash, or rubbish not identified above will not be accepted. Included among the prohibited items are: processed lumber, rock, concrete, roots, plastic bags, cardboard boxes or any other containers.
Important Reminder:
Any contractor intending to deposit tree materials at the Yard Waste Site must have a valid Annual License for Tree Contractors with the City of Decorah, and the materials must originate from within city limits.